Specialization in: HR, Finance, Marketing

Course Overview: This programme is designed to equip you with essential modern management skills and knowledge and prepare you with an enterprising spirit grounded on solid business practices. The programme also aims to provide you with analytical and decision making capabilities in order to face different kinds of new challenges resulting from the rapid changes seen in today's growing business environment. The programme will provide you with the opportunity to develop specific expertise in project management.

What you study?

1st year: Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Managerial Economics, Organizational Behaviour, Business Communication, Principles of Project Management, Business Law, Managerial Accounting, Marketing Management, Operation Management, Business Environment, Project Management, Project.

2nd Year: Supply Chain Management, Management Information System, Organization Design and Development, Marketing Research, International Business Management, Business Taxation Management, Project in Project Management, Entrepreneurship Development, Banking and Insurance Management, Business Government and Society, Risk Management, Management Accounting and Control Systems, Project (HRM, Finance, Marketing).